Foster Resources
Thank you so much for fostering for us! We absolutely could NOT save lives without you! We want to provide you with as much support as possible. Please refer to all references here, and also contact us if you have concerns beyond what's listed!
Decompression and Integration from Bullishly Brilliant Behavior and Training
What is decompression? Decompression is an important period after a transition (from shelter to foster, foster to home, transport to home, etc.) where a dog needs to relax in a calm environment and learn about their new situation and family members slowly and thoughtfully. The length of time this takes varies for each dog, so you will need to listen to what they are telling you by their behavior.
Closely following this decompression and integration guide and giving your dog plenty of time and space to adjust to their new life is an essential part of ensuring that your new pup is a perfect match for your family.
NWWR Fostering Guide
We rely on our fosters to help us save lives! Please also look to our FAQ on the contact page!
Other Resources

Additional resources we recommend for success with your fosters!
Pet Resource Center - Dumb Friends League (ddfl.org)
Please email us with any additional questions!